What is Current account, Benefits of Current account

The bank has many types of accounts. One of them is a current account. This current account is also called current account. What is the current account today? Who can open a current account? And will give information about its advantages and disadvantages. With which you can get complete information about the current account. You read this information completely.

What is current account

A current account is a type of bank account. This account operates on a different rule than a savings account. They open this account. Who always do big transactions. There is no limit to the transaction. There is no interest on the amount deposited on this account. This current account is very different from a savings account. In this type of account, transactions are always operational. Due to this also it is called current account. The bank provides many facilities in the current account.

Who can open current account

Anyone can open this account. One can also open this account. Or current account can open any institution, club, company. This account is open exclusively. Those who do many big transactions open current account.
Simple person does not open current account. Because they do not benefit from this account.

Who should open a current account

In this way, any person can open this current account. Whenever this account is opened by the merchant or institution. There is no facility of interest in this account, hence someone opens this account. You can withdraw as much money as you want in a day. Businessmen open this account exclusively for the transaction of tax in a day. The current account for savings should not be opened. The bank opens a savings account for savings.

Current account benefits

This account can be opened by an individual or a group. This is a very good thing in this type of account. In this, the permission of the group is obtained because an institution or company opens this account.

You can withdraw and deposit money in this current account any number of times in a day. This is a very good benefit of this account.

You can deposit as much amount as you want in this account. There is no fixed limit for this.

Atm card, check diary, netbanking are all available in this account. There is no exit limit for transactions from them. There is a withdrawal of rupees as many times as you want.

There is no interest in this current account. This is a big loss of this account. Had interest been available, we would have opened this account very much.

A minimum amount has to be kept in the current account. If it does not follow this rule, the bank charges extra. This charge varies from bank to bank.

What is your current account and how did you get some information about the benefits of current account. If you have any question, then you can comment.

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